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SKM Sweep Certificate

If you have completed a sweep of all 10 US-based K3Y call areas, confirmed by a log search for your call, you can create and download a certificate of achievement by entering your name and call sign in the form below. Then click on the "Submit" button. If you qualify for additional endorsements, be sure to check off the appropriate boxes. For continents, use the pull-down menu to select a number corresponding to the highest number of continents you worked.

A personalized certificate in PDF format will be presented, which you may saveand print.

If you want a slash zero Ø, hold down the alt key and on your numeric keypad and enter 0216. Let off the alt key and you should see a slashed zero Ø.

If you make a mistake, just go back in your browser and redo it until you are satisfied with the layout.

Your name:
Your call sign:
KH6 endorsement:
KL7 endorsement:
KP4 endorsement:
QRP endorsement:
Continents Worked: 

SKM Station Certificate

As a way of saying thank you to all the members who operated as K3Y, you can create and download a certificate of appreciation by entering your name and call sign below. Then click on the "Submit" button. A personalized certificate in PDF format will be presented, which you may save and print.

If you want a slash zero Ø, hold down the alt key and on your numeric keypad and enter 0216. Let off the alt key and you should see a slashed zero Ø.

If you make a mistake, just go back in your browser and redo it until you are satisfied with the layout.

Your name:
Your call sign: